Piffaro delights audiences with highly polished recreations of the rustic music of the peasantry and the elegant sounds of the official wind bands of the late Medieval and Renaissance periods. Its ever-expanding instrumentarium includes shawms, dulcians, sackbuts, recorders, krumhorns, bagpipes, lutes, guitars, and a variety of percussion — all careful reconstructions of instruments from the period.
Piffaro is a 501(c)3 so your gifts are tax-deductible
Piffaro’s music catalog is available for purchase!
Featured CD

Back Before Bach
BACK BEFORE BACH is an exceptional compendium of sixteenth and early seventeenth century German and Franco-Flemish music. The group of composers featured can be seen as the precedent for the luminaries of the German baroque era, specifically Johann Sebastian Bach. Piffaro draws from a wide variety of genres while focusing on a geographically and temporally constrained group of composers, thus presenting the musical foundation from which Bach and his contemporaries emerged.
Education is an essential part of Piffaro’s mission. Discover ways that you or your students can learn more about the instruments and music of the Renaissance.
“There is a reason why the ensemble Piffaro from the USA has been invited back so many times to Regensburg. Few other instrumental ensembles of the early music scene, with their knowledge and wonderful programming, can excite audiences the way they do. Not only was the program itself fascinating, but also the enormous variety of instrumental color, with which Piffaro took the audience through the different musical styles and periods. This concert is the best example of how lively and exciting early music can be. The Reichssaal rocked!”
“From start to finish, the concert showed Piffaro to be playing not just at its historic best but to be considered among the finest period instruments ensembles in the world.”
“nothing felt obscure, severe, or even very distant”
“The chance, then, to hear the renowned visiting Piffaro, and their instruments — recorders, shawms, sackbuts, bagpipes, dulcians and so on — was potentially a once-in-a-lifetime experience… It was all magnificent.”
“Piffaro offered performances that enhanced its already high reputation for playing that is both technically polished and interpretively compelling. Timbres were tart, rhythms were precise and energetic, balance was superb, and the occasionally somber mood of some of the texts was always projected with warmth and lyricism.”
Piffaro the Renaissance Band’s October 2016 performance of The Musical World of Don Quixote is proudly featured on the Google Cultural Institute, allowing it live on through capturing video highlights, performance photos, excerpts of text from the novel, and program notes.