We, Joan and Bob, have decided that the time has come to end our long run of directing and performing with Piffaro at the end of the 2021-2022 concert season. We want to pursue other avenues of interest and other adventures in the years to come, and so will turn over the reins of leadership of the ensemble to current member, Priscilla Herreid.
What began as a local effort in 1980 to explore the world of Renaissance double reed instruments and as a way to create performing opportunities for early wind players in the Philadelphia area has become a highly regarded ensemble in the field of early music, both in this country and abroad. In addition to a concert series in Philadelphia, Piffaro has toured throughout the United States and Europe, given concerts in South America and Canada, and has 20 recordings to its credit, including four on the prestigious Deutsche Grammophon Archiv label and four on its current label, PARMA/Navona.
Once we made the decision that Piffaro should continue beyond our leadership, the question of a replacement became our primary consideration. It seemed clear from the nature of the ensemble’s work that the best choice would be someone from within the group who could maintain the Piffaro sound, continue to pursue its mission and yet also guide it into new ventures. It also seemed important that that person be a double reed player, as the exploration of the early double reeds – shawms and dulcians, krumhorns and bagpipes – has been at the core of Piffaro’s mission from the beginning. With those criteria in mind, we proposed that the Board of Directors consider current member Priscilla Herreid to assume the position of Artistic Director for Piffaro’s future. After due deliberation, the Board agreed unanimously that Priscilla is the right person to fill this role.
Priscilla has been a member of the ensemble since 2007, and long before that was a Piffaro fan, attending concerts with her family, listening to all the Piffaro CDs, and studying shawm, recorder and performance practice with Bob at Temple University. As a top-line player for some of Piffaro’s instrumental consorts, she has already had a leadership role and is eager to assume the position of artistic director. It is also important to note that she has the full support of the current core band members who trust her musical skills and instincts, and she is well regarded in the larger early music community. She is currently shadowing us and working with the Executive Director and members of the Board, and will continue to do so in the upcoming season to prepare her for full artistic leadership with the beginning of the 2022-2023 season.
It’s been a glorious and rewarding run made possible by so many along the way, particularly our band mates over the years, our Executive Director and other past staff members, our Board of Directors and volunteers, our presenters, funders and donors, and of course our loyal audience members, a few of whom have been with us since the very beginning. We look forward with great anticipation to the future years and successes of the next generation of Piffaro.
Joan Kimball and Bob Wiemken
Artistic Co-directors

Photo credit Bill DiCecca